Friday, February 20, 2009

A List of Preschools in Spanish Fork

There are actually quite a few preschools in Spanish Fork, but finding a list of them for comparison can be a little tricky. Most preschools are not "big business" and try very hard to keep costs down so the prices stay competetive. Paying for expensive advertising is not likely to be an option, so we put up cards at Macey's and generally hope that word of mouth will take care of the rest. I've noticed also that preschools come and go with the wind... you hear about one nearby, but when you call to find out more information - they are no longer doing it.
I don't know about you, but when I'm looking for something I go to my good friend "Google" for the answers. In most cases this provides me with all the information (and more) that I need. However, when I googled "Spanish Fork Preschools" I found two or three preschools mixed in with a list of a whole bunch of elementary and middle schools and a few sites which looked promising, but ended up with little or none of the information I was hoping for.
So what's a girl with a preschool that needs some free advertising to do?
She will make a list. On the internet. And get lots of people to look at it.
And someday, hopefully soon, it will show up when a person googles "Spanish Fork preschools" or "preschools in Spanish Fork" or anything else resembling "preschools and Spanish Fork"...
Here's the list... If you would like to be on it, email me at with your information and I'll get you added.

Little Readers Preschool
890 South Wolf Hollow Drive
(801) 623-1150

Achiever Preschool
1200 East Canyon Road
(801) 798-8102

Country Kids Preschool

Kris Kelly
7239 S. 2400 E. Spanish Fork

Growing Tree Academy
Center St. in Spanish Fork
(801) 369-2787 or (801) 798-7898

M's Preschool
645 E 300 S
Spanish Fork
Emily Burraston
call or Text

Miss Heidi's Preschool
238 S. 750 W.
Spanish Fork, UT
(801) 798-9898

Miss Jodi's Leaps N Bounds Preschool
726 East 320 South
Salem, UT

Nada's School
732 East Scenic Drive
(801) 798-1503

The Little Red School House Preschool
1102 W. 520 S.
Spanish Fork, UT
Ms. Jana  (801) 310-6127

and let them know WHO sent you! Thanks bunches!