Saturday, September 12, 2009

WEEK TWO highlights...

On TUESDAY we introduced CIRCLE TIME...

We start out the day with free time in which the children can choose to play with toys, puzzles, magnets, etc... or they can choose to draw pictures or play with play dough. Then we all work together to clean up and meet on the red rug for Circle Time!

During Circle Time, we review the month, day, and year and sing our "Months of The Year" song (which is basically "January, February, March, etc..." set to the "Macarena" complete with actions). We introduce or review the letter/sound of the week, choose a color, shape, and rhyming words for the day. One child is then chosen to be the "weatherperson". The weatherperson looks out the window and changes the weather dial on our wall to fit the weather of the day. We finish up the Circle Time calendar by counting out our gumballs in the jar together.

Next, the children find their "Name-o-saurus" on the wall and look to see if the "special heart" has been placed next to their name! Each day, the special heart is placed next to a different child's name designating them the Flag Leader for the day. We then have the Flag Leader come to the front and lead us in The Pledge of Allegiance. After this, Miss Jamie plays "My Country Tis of Thee" on the piano and the children march around the rug singing as they follow the Flag Leader.

On WEDNESDAY we walked to Centennial Park...

After we got back, we fingerpainted with PUDDING our LETTER OF THE DAY, which is A - the children learned to make a lowercase "a" by first making the letter "c" then adding the line!

Preschool in Spanish Fork, Utah

Highlights from WEEK ONE...

On TUESDAY (the first day of school) we read the story "The Kissing Hand" by Audrey Penn. Each of the children found a handprint made by their parent(s) and placed a "kiss" on it. We talked about our worries of leaving Moms and Dads while we are at school and we talked about the fun we will be having each day at school. In art we made handprints to take home for our parents to have. The rest of the time was spent getting to know each other and the preschool surroundings better.

On WEDNESDAY we read "How Do Dinosaurs Go to School" by Jane Yolen and introduced each child to their "Name-0-saurus". Each child's name was placed next to a different dinosaur on the wall. We then had each child stand up one at a time and take a turn finding their "Name-o-saurus" on the wall as we chanted "Dinosaur, Dinosaur, ONE, TWO, THREE... who's that dinosaur standing next to me"?. This helped each child recognize their written name. In art we made dinosaur hand puppets to take home (with our names on them of course)!